How Social Flowers Works

Choose a fresh bouquet at


Provide the recipient’s email, mobile or have a social media connection

Email Mobile Phone Social Media Message

Recipient uses the link to choose where and when to receive flowers

Map Pin Calendar

We email or text them a “You’ve Got Flowers!” link OR you send it via social media

Send You’ve Got Flowers Link

Sender is only charged if the recipient accepts

Credit Card

All information is kept private and secure

Private Secure

Your flowers are hand-delivered by our local florist partner

Flower Shop Flower Delivery Truck Delivery Man

Recipient shares a picture or video and earns credits for them and the sender

Woman Receiving Flowers Video Picture Flower Credits

Anonymous Flower Delivery

Your information is kept private while you send and receive flowers safely and securely.

  • Your address and personal details are not shared
  • Sender and recipient choose their name on the order
  • Your address is only used to deliver flowers

How to send flowers:

How to receive flowers that were sent to you.

How to request flowers through social media.

How to share a picture or video of your flowers and earn credits

Send Flowers by Email or Text

  1. Select and pay for flowers. You provide the recipient's email address and/or mobile number.
  2. We email and/or text the recipient to let them know you sent flowers.
  3. We also provide you with a "You've Got Flowers" link that you can send them.
  4. The recipient chooses where and when they want to receive the flowers.
  5. We hand-deliver fresh flowers from a local florist.

* You are only charged if the recipient accepts the flowers.
** Recipient and sender information are kept private and not shared with the other party.

Send Flowers Through Social Media

  1. Select and pay for flowers. We provide you with a "You've Got Flowers" link.
  2. You send the "You've Got Flowers" link to the recipient through any social media direct message.
  3. The recipient chooses where and when they want to receive the flowers.
  4. We hand-deliver fresh flowers from a local florist.

* You are only charged if the recipient accepts the flowers.
** Recipient and sender information are kept private and not shared with the other party.

Receive Flowers That Were Sent to You

  1. Click the "You've Got Flowers" link you were sent.
  2. Choose where and when you want to receive the flowers.
  3. We hand-deliver fresh flowers from a local florist.

* Recipient and sender information are kept private and not shared with the other party.

Request Flowers Through Social Media

  1. Create a social media post that says you want to receive flowers. Mention Social Flowers and link to our website.
  2. Your friends and followers visit Social Flowers to buy you flowers.
  3. The sender receives a "You've Got Flowers" link and sends you the link through a social media direct message.
  4. Click the link and choose where and when you want to receive the flowers.
  5. We hand-deliver fresh flowers from a local florist.

* Recipient and sender information are kept private and not shared with the other party.

Share Your Flowers and Earn Credits

Share a picture or video of your bouquet and we will give you and the sender credits towards your next order.

Choose the way you want to share:

1. Share on Social Media

  • Show everyone your flowers by sharing online
  • Earn up to $50 in credits
Credits Earned for Both Sender and Recipient What is Shared on Social Media
$30 A picture or video of your flowers
$40 A picture of you and your flowers
$50 A video of you and your flowers

* When you share online, please tag us so we can apply credits to the accounts
** When credits are earned for sharing on social media, Social Flowers can also share it online
*** Credits are applied to a future order.

2. Share at

  • Keep your experience and personal information private
  • Earn up to $20 in credits
Credits Earned for Both Sender and Recipient What is Shared Through SocialFlowers.
$10 A picture or video of the flowers with the sender
$20 A picture or video of the flowers with sender and Social Flowers for promotional use

* The recipient receives a link after they receive their flowers which they use to share pictures and videos
** Credits are applied to a future order